
The Critic Appears on KPTV

For loyal KPTV viewers: Yes, that was me being interviewed by Wayne Garcia for Tuesday's show. I would have given a face-to-face but I was still on my way back from Nebraska. I guess meeting me at the airport was just too much to ask.

Hey, for all the crap Wayne has had to take from me I figure an exclusive interview is the least I can do for him. I know it is shocking, and all I can say is that you certainly don't expect THAT in THIS neighborhood!

But now we're even, so be afraid, be very afraid - because I just MAY be back! ...Stay tuned

PS: Comments are now turned back on. I turned them OFF because of spam. I have had to add comment moderation, however, because the "Word Verification" thing just wasn't cutting it when it came to keeping out spam.


At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do hope you'll come back! I have left the great KPTV news hour for warmer weather and wish I could keep up with the news through your blog! Please come back!!!!

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Robert said...

You gotta love the *dirty dining* segment series though right??? I want to read your take on the lady who called 911 because she wanted the * hot cop* to come back so she could ask jhim for a date!!!! This lady needs to be on dateline or 20/20 LOL Only in portland!! Hilary Hutcheson is HOT!! keep being a good critic!!


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